
Best Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment In Thane

CVS are a group of eye disorders that cause continuous use of digital screens due to long working hours

What is the cause for Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computers are used for many different reasons including studies, work, entertainment and more. The extended hours of exposure to the screen decreases the amount of times the eyes of ours blink. When we work on computers our eyes are less active than they usually blinks. Typically our eyes blink between at a rate of 16-20 every minute. However, research has revealed that when we use computers, the frequency of blinking decreased to 6-8 often per second. As you keep your eyes open, looking at the screen it causes the dryness of the tear film and leads to dry eyes.
Additionally, when we read on a computer, the words displayed on the screen do not have sharp edges or contrast, as opposed to printed ones. This causes discomfort in the eyes as they remain fixed upon the display. However, repeated refocusing on characters can cause eye fatigue and burning eyes, eye strain CVS pink eye, etc. In addition, poor lighting could make the problem worse CVS.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome?

For all users of digital displays, it is essential to be aware of the symptoms and signs associated with computer vision disorders. It is also important to be alert to avoid permanent damage to the eyesight. Some of the indications and symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome are:
  • Eyes are heavy
  • Vision cloudy
  • Eye Strain while using the digital screen
  • Headaches frequently occur while working
  • Neck pain and shoulders when working
  • Double eyesight
  • Eye irritation
  • An inclination to vomit while trying to concentrate
  • Difficulty sitting at the computer, etc.

How can I cure Computer Vision Syndrome with the most reputable eye doctor located in Thane?

The main issue CVS results in is the reduction of efficiency of the workplace. Eye fatigue and strain can slow the process and leads to errors at work. There are many methods for treating CVS however, everything is contingent on the severity of the problem resulted by the condition. With more ergonomics, the doctor will attempt to decrease the effects of computer vision disorder. However, it will not aid in curing the eye issue. Ophthalmologists therefore prescribe special computerized eyeglasses to patients. There are other methods to address the problem also.