
Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are thin, clear plastic disks used to improve your vision. Contacts float on the tear film that covers the cornea. Contact lenses may be worn for various reasons. As a replacement of eyeglasses, contact lenses correct vision problems caused by refractive errors. Many other individuals may also choose to wear no power contact lenses for improving/changing appearance.

Types of Contact lenses

Soft Contact Lenses (SCL)

The most common type, they are composed of malleable plastic polymers and are very flexible.
The advantages include:
  1. Comfortable
  2. Easily wearable
  3. Less susceptible to the intrusion of foreign objects
  4. Less sensitivity to light
  5. Does not fall off
  6. Available in tinted versions
The disadvantages include:
  1. Lass Durable
  2. May dry out
  3. Needs more care
  4. Susceptible to more deposits or chemical abortion

Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses (RGP)

Are advanced lenses allowing more oxygen to pass through to the eye

The advantages include

  • Provide clear vision
  • Correct most corneal astigmatism
  • Good durability
  • Good handling characteristics
  • Comparatively easy to care than SCL

The disadvantages include

  • Less comfort
  • More easily dislodged
  • More susceptible to the intrusion of foreign objects
  • Can scratch and break

X-Chrome Contact Lenses

X-Chrome contact lens is a red contact lens worn in one eye and is used to correct red-green colour vision deficiencies. Colour deficiency is a condition that causes altered colour perception due to a malfunction in the retina of the trichromatic-three-receptor colour (red, green, and blue) vision system.
These lenses are ideal for colour-blind people who want to improve the quality of many recreational or work activities.

Scleral Lenses

Scleral contacts are noticeably larger than standard gas permeable (GP) contacts and have a diameter equal to or greater than that of soft contact lenses. The smallest sclerals are approximately 14.5 mm in diameter, and the largest can be up to 24 mm. They are larger than conventional GP lenses; scleral lenses are more stable on the eye. They also provide initial comfort similar to soft lenses.
scleral contact lenses are used for eyes that have Irregular corneas, have undergone cornea transplant, have severe dry eyes condition. Also, when the eyes cannot be comfortably fitted with conventional GP lenses or the shape of the eye causes the lenses to dislodge too easily from your eyes (during sports, for example), scleral lenses can provide a more comfortable and secure fit.

Coloured Contact Lenses

Coloured contact lenses are the mostly used to transformation the appearance of the wearer. People with vision problems like astigmatism can also wear specially designed toric coloured lenses.
Get in Touch with Eknath Eye Hospital for a customised solution for your eyes at the Best Contact Lens Clinic in Mumbai.