Best Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment In Thane
Diabetic Retinopathy is the “disease of the retina” caused by microangiopathy resulting from diabetes’s long-term effects that cause progressive damage to the retina and blindness. The most frequent reason for severe bilateral vision loss among people in working age.
What are the common symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic Retinopathy can be asymptomatic in the initial phases of this disease. As the progression of the disease, symptoms could include
Vision blurred
Flashes and Floaters
Distorted vision
Dark areas of the vision
Poor night vision
Color vision problems
Total or partial loss of vision
What are the Signs of Diabetic Retinopathy?
The signs include:
Retinal hemorrhage
Exudates from hard substances
Spots of cotton wool
Venous beading
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA)
Macular Oedema
How to diagnose Diabetic Retinopathy?
It is diagnosed with fundus fluorescent Angiography. This test can be used to determine the best procedure for CSME. It can also be used to determine Ischemic maculopathy, as well as Microvascular abnormalities in the intraretinal area as well as Neovascularizati
What are the treatment options for Diabetic Retinopathy?
The treatment comprises:
Controlling glucose and keeping the HbA1Clevel in the 6-7% range is a vital. It is essential to maintain an active lifestyle and regularly perform exercise to prevent the effects of DR and diabetes. It is also essential to maintain the Blood pressure in check and also take Lipid-lowering medication.
Treatment with lasers: Focal laser Grid laser Pan Retinal photocoagulation
Intra vitreal Injections AntiVEGF – VEGF injections are also helpful in the treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy