Safety enhanced:
With Lasik the chance of developing complications that could be caused by corneal flaps, decreases significantly. It also reduces the chance of inflammation and infection. It has a more treatable surface, which means more stability which means a decrease in the rate of retreatment.
Thinner flap
The Femto-Lasik permits such thin, even created corneal flap so that complications are almost not a thing at all. With these flaps that are thinner that are cut, more corneal tissue is left, which means not just an increase in the stability of corneas over time as well as the chance to correct more refractive errors.
The thickness of the even flap:
If you are making use of the Femto-Lasik surgeon, he knows prior to surgery which shape the flap will take, its thickness, measurements and capacities each flap has. This is a crucial aspect when looking into treatment for higher refractive mistakes. With a microkeratome surgeons can only determine what the appearance of the flap will be after the cut is completed.
Other advantages:
The measurement of the eyeball is of no significance for Femto-Lasik laser procedure. The healing process will take short time, and your vision will improve faster. The visual outcomes are outstanding. The Femto-Lasik laser puts lower pressure over the eye. This means that the patient will experience only a no discomfort.